Techno Kick Rumbler Maker (Ableton Audio Effect Rack)


Techno as a genre has always been known for its experimental nature. Producers within this genre have continually pushed the boundaries of musical norms over the last three decades. One clear example of this is the practice of making bass lines from soaking your kick in reverb, which is typically frowned upon in music engineering books.

While this technique may go against traditional engineering practices, it has become a staple in the world of techno. The gut rumbling power that this technique can provide is something that has to be experienced in a club setting to truly appreciate. The feeling of the bass reverberating through your entire body is an unforgettable sensation.

At Mind Flux, we understand the importance of this technique within techno music. That's why we have created an audio effects rack for Ableton that allows producers to easily create techno rumbling kick drums that will leave their studio walls shaking. Our rack includes a selection of tools that make it simple to achieve this powerful sound.

All you have to do is load a kick of your choice into the rack and let it roll. Our tools will help you create a powerful bass line that will take your tracks to the next level. With this rack, you can experiment and push the boundaries of what's possible within the world of techno music.

(Please note you will need Ableton Live 10.1 suite to get this audio effects rack to work)